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The last 8 months accept been pretty grim, as far as the PC market place is concerned — we've spent a lot more fourth dimension writing about shortages than launches. One corner of the PC market that hasn't been a disaster, at to the lowest degree thus far, is the SSD storage market — and recent storage market reports suggest that consumer machines are moving over to solid-state media at a brisk footstep.

THG reports on a mix of information from Trendfocus and StorageNewsletter. Information shows hard drive shipments of 64.17 million betwixt the top three difficult drive manufacturers in Q1 2021, while the summit SSD manufacturers shipped ship shy of 100 million drives through the same menstruum. That works out to a shipment ratio of ~3:2.

If you have PCs yous haven't upgraded to an SSD still, this is a great time to do and so. In add-on to being one of the few PC components that remains available at a reasonable price, SSDs can exhale new life into even the oldest PCs.

Even if a PC is 5-ten years onetime, the CPU inside it is still faster than whatever other component in the organisation. Swapping an SSD for an HDD, therefore, tin still improve its operation. It'll even practise and so in a system with bereft memory — if nothing else, the bandy file will run a heck of a lot faster. Obviously, in these cases, an SSD and a few GB of legacy RAM is the all-time solution, but any system with a SATA port can theoretically do good from an SSD.

Thankfully, the laptop marketplace is starting to recognize that fact. At Dell, Inspiron laptops as low as $294 sell with NVMe SSDs — only 128GB, to be certain, but SSDs nonetheless. Diverse reports suggest the median PC worldwide is between four and five years quondam, which ways people buying in 2020 were replacing hardware that was built in 2015 or 2016. The percentage of consumer systems shipping with SSDs back then was much lower, and that means a lot of lower-end buyers were more probable to get a storage speed boost if they bought in the past 15 months.

The pandemic collection a xiii percent increase in PC sales last twelvemonth and the trend has connected in 2021. In Q1 2021, PC sales hit 84 million units, compared with 59 million units in Q1 2019.

SSDs may exist out-shipping hard drives in overall units, simply HDDs continue to reign supreme in bulldoze capacity. Measured in exabytes shipped, hard drives keep to have a 4.5:ane reward over SSDs. QLC has helped solid-state storage close the gap, but difficult drives remain the all-time choice if you need maximum data density and aren't too picky most performance.

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