
How To Prepare Wild Apples For Cooking

How to Prepare Wild Game to Cook

Cooking Wild Meat

Enjoy the harvest

Cooking with wild game isn't hard. In that location are a few things to keep in listen to make your wild game taste delicious. Here is a few tips for how to prepare wild game to cook.

  • Keep Wild Game Cold and Clean
  • Brine Your Waterfowl
  • Rest Wild Game Later Cooking
  • Age Larger Wild Game for Better Flavour and Tenderness
  • Don't Overcook Wild Game
  • Remove Most of the Wild Game Fatty
  • Marinate Wild Game for Tenderness and Flavor


Frying seems to be a unproblematic process of heating some oil and throwing some meat in. At that place is a trivial more than to information technology than that if yous want tender, juicy, and most importantly meat that is delicious and desirable. So many times when people fry their game whether it exist turkey, fish or squirrel the outside becomes gilded brownish and they serve the meat half done. Fish are a little more forgiving in that it is a white meat and volition cook through quickly then it will be done just in the time it takes to brown the batter provided you cut the pieces into bite size morsels which is how I cook fish. If you fry your fish every bit a whole fish or fillet so read on every bit these tips will pertain to your fish besides.


My favorite way to fry is to listen to the sizzle. Y'all can tell how hot your meat is getting based on the sound of the sizzle. Information technology starts when you lot add the meat to the skillet. Never add so much meat that the sizzle diminishes too much. If you add the meat besides fast you cool the oil and that causes the batter to soak up the oil causing your concoction to take on an oily taste.

Add the meat while the heat is on high and maintain the sizzle. One time all the meat is in the oil and the oil has, what I phone call a fast sizzle, wait just a minute and then with the start piece you placed in the skillet begin to turn your meat to allow the other side to brown. Once the sizzle comes support to a fast sizzle turn the heat down and encompass. The cover volition trap rut and help to cook the peak side of your meat forth with the lesser. Heed to that sizzle. Information technology volition increase with the cover on the skillet so you will have to turn the estrus down a lilliputian to maintain a slow sizzle.

Lastly be sure to bank check and plow your meat often. This allows yous to monitor the browning process, but more chiefly information technology alternates the temperature practical to your meat and this helps to slowly cook your meat without called-for the batter.

The reason I prefer to listen to the sizzle is considering the sizzle tells you the temperature of your meat. If the sizzle is going crazy that means your batter is too hot and being the almost frail you have to maintain a adept temperature to non fire it earlier the meat gets cooked. I retrieve that the biggest reason people talk about the toughness and the gamey gustation of wild game is their cooking process. Either they melt venison too long or they melt squirrel and rabbit also quick and that tin exist all the difference in a great tasting wild game.


If you're a hunter you probably love to cook. Cooking allows you lot to continue the harvest throughout the year. If you don't take advantage of the harvest you should. These tips for cooking wild game can help keep that memory alive longer. Not to mention you tin brand some actually delicious dishes. As hunters we have cherished the fire and the smell of cooking wild game nevertheless arouses those primitive instincts when cooking with fire.

The grill is our modern twenty-four hour period campfire and the place where "the feast" takes identify. The grilling of meat is "in our genes". The smell of fume and grilling wild meat evokes conversations along with perceptions of  fulfilled hunger. Lean wild game must be grilled with more intendance than domesticated meat that has much more fat. At that place'due south less tolerance for overcooking. Endeavor to grill just tender cuts and keep it effectually medium rare. Example: For venison go along internal temperature between 130 and 140 degrees


  • Adding besides much common salt
  • Not removing the fat from wild game
  • Slicing wild game too sparse for cooking
  • Cooking wild game likewise long

Calculation as well much table salt can pull moisture from your wild game cut. The lack of moisture in wild game is why it can become dry out and tough very easily. Try not to add to much table salt to your wild game to help retain this moisture.

Wild game is already lean which means it is dry from the first because it doesn't have the fatty that say beef does. The fat in beef is marbled throughout the cutting and melts out and coats the meat as yous cook. With wild game the lack of aplenty fat just causes what is there to cook upwards in fume leaving the pan dry. Ultimately this creates a dry slice of meat. This is why we assist wild game out a little by using bacon and butter to to keep the cut from drying out. Another great manner to keep your wild game juices intact is to sear the cut hot and fast and then plough the heat downward to get it upwards to temperature. Wild game is all-time when cooked to a medium rare temperature of between 130 and 140 degrees for venison and other big game animals.


The fatty constitute on wild game is not tasty, like beef fat. Wild game fat is where much of the gamey flavour you hear about resides so cut information technology off. Some might argue that yous want to gustatory modality the gamey flavour to get the full wild game experience but information technology has been my observation that information technology only turns people off of wild game so keep those cuts for yourself and those that adopt the "gamey" gustatory modality and you volition have more friends make information technology to your wild game cookout.


Again, as y'all've probably noticed, nearly mistakes made when cooking wild game revolves around dryness and doneness. That'southward because they are the nigh of import aspects of cooking wild game. Slicing wild game too thin can promote dryness. Continue your wild game cuts at least one/4 inch thick maybe even i/ii inch at least at first. Once you've proficient and realize that it don't take long for wild game to reach the optimum temperature of medium rare then you can piece thinner wild game and non dry them out. I dearest my backstrap medallions sliced thin when I'm cooking in butter or on a stick over the bivouac. Information technology only takes a infinitesimal or two to get them cooked, so be conscientious.


Learning how to cook venison isn't hard, simply it takes a lot of subject to make it gustation delicious. Y'all tin can't be watching the football game game while your tenderloin medallions recipe is sizzling in the cast atomic number 26 skillet. Those replays and long passes accept longer than you realize and by the time you get back to the stove your wild game dinner has cooked likewise long and looks like shoe leather. Take cooking wild game every bit serious as yous did harvesting the animal. Information technology deserves the respect and your friends volition capeesh it in the flavour and tenderness of your wild game.

Then there yous go. Plenty of tips for how to set wild game to cook and so that you can extend your season each year into the kitchen. Learning to procedure and prepare your harvest is a win-win for everyone involve. It tin too bring more people into the outdoor family unit. They also tin savor the incredible lifestyle that hunting, angling, camping ground and cooking can provide. Exercise your office.


Aging deer or any other game meat is vital to tender and tasty wild game. There are several means to age wild game. And then many hunters try to procedure and get their meat in the freezer as shortly as possible. This is a big error. I remember my dad getting the deer cut up and packaged the same day it was killed. Sometimes within a couple hours of the kill the processing began. So this is what I was taught as a kid about processing deer. While I withal liked the deer we ate information technology was tough and had a unlike flavour than the deer that I enjoy today.

When you lot process and freeze wild game too soon y'all stop the decay procedure and lock in the rigor mortis which will make your deer meat tough for sure. Allowing your meat to begin the disuse procedure sounds bad only information technology is the most important aspect to succulent wild game and helps with tenderizing the meat also.

Later leaving home my love of cooking had me researching and figuring out the best ways to prepare wild game meat for cooking. This included the importance of aging meat for the best taste and tenderness possible. Over the years situations have forced me to acquire a few different means to age deer meat and here they are.

Wet Crumbling DEER MEAT

Wet crumbling deer meat sounds a lot like the cooler crumbling procedure explained below. Nonetheless, wet aging entails a procedure that isn't wet at all. The moisture in moisture aging deer meat refers to the meat non hanging and drying on the surface which I will explicate below in further item. Wet aging is the procedure of bagging your game meat and leaving it in a refrigerator to historic period. After the game is butchered it is then placed in numberless to go on the oxygen levels depression. Oxygen promotes bacterial growth. Some people vacuum pack their meat for this aging process, but I never accept. Like the video below shows I take only bagged my meat in heavy duty trash bags and placed them in the fridge.

Obviously vacuum packing the deer meat would be great if that is what you prefer and you have the vacuum gear to practice information technology. I've been crumbling deer in garbage numberless for more than 30 years and it works fine. Wrap the meat tight making sure to massage all of the air out the top and your meat will be fine.


Aging DEER MEAT IN A Libation

I refer to the meat here as deer meat, only any game meat can be inserted in its identify. Aging wild game in a libation came about early on. Actually I was crumbling deer meat in a cooler before I knew about aging deer meat. Often I am camping ground while hunting and plant myself icing down deer until the camping trip was over. I did begin to detect the deer meat tasted better and seemed a fiddling more tender and again this was 30 years agone and I didn't realize that crumbling the deer in this way was helping with the flavor and tenderness of the meat.

Aging deer meat in a libation requires y'all to skin the deer and unless you have a very large cooler you will at least have to quarter your deer to fit. Start with several inches of water ice in the bottom of the cooler then place your meat on top. Add more ice on peak of each layer of meat earlier placing some other layer. Yous don't want your meat to lay against each other during the aging process. Add ice equally needed lifting the layers to allow ice to get in between each layer.

No demand to worry about the meat touching hither or there. Y'all just don't want large areas of the meat to touch. To keep the deer meat from soaking in h2o the cooler needs to have a bleed or you can periodically pour the water out of the cooler. Having a cooler with a drain is definitely the all-time bargain when crumbling deer in a libation.

I take fifty-fifty used numberless of ice in the deer cavity for several days to get it home. This works when the high for the day is in the l's and so cools off at night. I leave the skin on during this time. You lot can run into that the meat was kept cool when y'all peel the deer and the meat is common cold to the touch.


At that place are a couple ways to dry out age your deer meat or any other game meat you harvest. The first way to dry age your meat is the easiest and quickest. The only stipulation is the outside temperature. It involves the unproblematic hanging of your deer to age. Make sure that your game meat is in the shade. Whether information technology'southward a big cedar tree or in your garage information technology's important to keep the carcass in the shade.

Whether or not to remove the skin is up for debate I guess, but I can say that when the conditions are less than ideal like in campsite for a few more days, and so leave the skin on until you lot can get your game meat to a more controlled environment. This volition protect your meat, simply exist certain the temps are no higher than say 55 degrees during the solar day. The platonic temperature for dry aging is between 32-38 degrees.

You don't usually have that in the real world, but don't worry game meat is resilient and tin can handle a lot. If yous're worried nigh those few hours when the outside temps rise above fifty degrees then place a bag of water ice in the crenel. Better yet identify a couple bags of water ice in the cavity and cover with a tarp. This will help keep it cool during those few hours of warmer temps. Exist certain to uncover the carcass when the sunday goes downwards. This allows air circulation to continue the dry aging process. Another alternative would be to use the libation method of crumbling wild game outlined above.

Another way to dry age wild game is in the fridge. I've found this to be my go to aging process and it seems to piece of work well. Yous need to have a refrigerator dedicated to the aging process. It can concur your beer, packs of summer sausage and doe pee the rest of the year. You don't want to apply the refrigerator in your home for a couple reasons. If you lot have a pregnant other they volition not be happy. The other reason is the power to leave the fridge closed and maintain that abiding temperature of 30 something degrees. And so turn the fridge equally low as it volition go and get out the fridge airtight as the process takes identify.

Y'all can put a fan in the refrigerator to help circulate the air which helps with the dry crumbling procedure. I have to say I've dry aged my deer in the fridge for thirty years and never used a fan. However, afterward reading about the dry aging process I recollect I'll add i to see how much of a divergence information technology makes.

NOTE: At that place is ane thing that I accept learned over the years about adept venison and that is to historic period the meat. Get it past that rigor phase at the minimum and you volition detect that deer meat is but as tasty as beef. A little story on how I started aging my deer meat. When I was a fellow, but out of the Army and Desert Storm and simply completed shipping maintenance schoolhouse. I was traveling to Alaska for my first job and stopped in Jackson Pigsty Wyoming.

I did a piddling fly fishing there as I would practice many more times in the years that followed. While I was there I went into a famous bar/restaurant I can't recall the name. I ordered the elk steaks and on the carte it stated that they were dry aged for 21 days or something like that. I ask the waitress what that meant and that is when I started researching the aging meat for my own use and information technology makes all the difference in the world.

"Food is important and if yous don't know how to cook, it'due south tragic." Julia Child

Hither are few resources I used for this article Northern Woodlands, Realtree Camo and Meateater Melt

Cheque OUT

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